Thursday, July 30, 2009

Lesson Six

Using only letters from the popular salutation “To Whom it May Concern” I have created a short letter. There were a couple words I missed dearly. I struggled with weather is should make sense. In the end I chose what was hardest. I have found a new respect for the difficulty of a project like this.

To Whom it May Concern:

I hear the cancer moan.
It ate my tit
We watch it tear at the net.
I warn it not to war with me
Yet in my cocoon I hear it crow
It came to tow me home.

I think it might be interesting to create a small collection of these poems, that are all letters created from, To Whom it May Concern


  1. This would be a nice project, I agree!

  2. I really liked your idea for this. I think it would be great (if you had the time) to write a series of letter/poems using this format. I am curious to see how many combinations you could come up with!
