Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lesson 9

The term modernism seems to be very misleading. Modern infers something that is happening now, that is new and fresh. But in art it refers to a movement that is fairly old. I am often confused by discerning the difference from present styles and the modernist styles. However, I can’t help but smile when I hear someone say, “Oh that is so modern” and think that the vast majority of the population doesn’t really know what that means. To be honest I am not quite sure what is modern and what isn’t? For instance something could be I had a little epitome, that perhaps Ernest Hemingway could be a modernist. Yet he seems such an old (and forgive me frumpy) classic that has been the backbone of many English classes I have taken.
I have to say that out off all the movements the Beat poets are my favorite. Allen Ginsburg’s Howl, has often been called the last great poem ever written. I don’t believe that, can’t believe that, but still it is a masterpiece. .It was so raw, so complete, and still relevant to this generation. I think Howl more completely defined its time period more so than any other poem.
I don’t know does labeling something as being modern a death sentence? If something is labeled modern, it’s like saying this is as new as its ever going to get.

Anyway don’t really like this poem I wrote, but maybe someday I too can Howl.


Have you heard of all the little people that live on the hill?
In their secret fucking, while yearning for candy colored cars
They are all the same, consumption addicts.
hear the secret yearning winding through the streets
“Suburbia is not real”
Screw the American dream. I’ll paint my picket fence blue.
Give me to the sinners, the outcasts, the nobodies……. The loneliest.
We will wander together, we will wonder together
We the first born of those people on the hill
they have no shame that congregation
they are their things
let them rest in peace.

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